The deadline for travels planned to begin from 1 July onward is for 1 May: Applications submitted before this deadline will get answers on 10 June. See for more information.
The deadline for travels planned to begin from 1 July onward is for 1 May: Applications submitted before this deadline will get answers on 10 June. See for more information.
Intwasa Arts Festival koBulawayo, an annual, multi discipline arts festival that takes place in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe every month of September is calling for new, fresh and cutting edge work for presentation at its 9th edition of the festival. The festival is looking for theatre, music, dance, storytelling, poetry and comedy from the region and beyond. Regional and international artists with new work that fit the bill can visit the festival website for application forms. Deadline for applications is 30 April 2013. For more information:
At a time when Mali lives an unprecedented political and identity crisis, we need more than ever to promote some of our values to get out of this abyss created by this situation. Today more than ever, Malians need to gather around what unites them. Today more than ever, the sons of this country must talk to each other, understand each other, and forgive each other. Because, dialogue is the best way to peace. Yes, dialogue to appease hearts; dialogue to learn from the past; dialogue to know and recognize each other; dialogue to accept each other despite our differences; dialogue to define the basic elements that will form the basis of the new Mali; dialogue to promote cultural diversity. Mali is characterized by the wealth of its artistic and cultural expressions. From Kidal to Kayes, each population has its particularity. And it is this mosaic that has always made the charm of this country.
Are you an artist or creator? An NGO or non-profit private body? A public body whose activities contribute to the promotion of culture and artistic creation? If your project meets the criteria set out in the Operational Guidelines of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC), you can submit your projects to benefit from the support of the Fund.
Freemuse has compiled statistics presenting a glimpse of the situation for musicians worldwide in 2012.
The Ségou Symposium which took place february 12 - 15 in the Kôrè Cultural Centre. It was a framework for reflection on arts and govenance in Mali, and in Africa. This international symposium gathered several speakers from Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Uganda, DR Congo, South Africa and Burkina Faso around the theme "Culture & Governance". Strong recommendations have been made during four days of intellectual debates. These recommendations were compiled in a document called the "CALL OF SEGOU". This document, which contains relevant proposal concerning the crisis and national reconciliation, governance and development, have been given to the members of the Malian Parliament just after the symposium.
“The Freemuse Award 2013 is given to ‘Festival au Désert’, which in spite of extreme Islamists’ attempts to silence all music in Mali, defends freedom of musical expression and struggles to continue keeping music alive in the region”, says Marie Korpe, Executive Director, Freemuse.
The war has got an impact on major events such as the Festival sur le Niger and the Festival au Désert. The Festival sur le Niger have been reduced for a special edition, without music and other festive activities, because... of the state of emergency in the country. For the special edition, we will have an International Symposium on the theme "Culture and Governance", Workshops and Master Class on the theme: "Peace and Social Cohesion", etc. The Festival au Désert have been cancelled for 2013, unfortunately. Generally, activities are in a slow motion.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) urges for increased humanitarian aid in their January report. Nearly two years of civil war in Syria has produced a regional humanitarian disaster.
A call for artistic expressions: painting, sculpture and mixed media, for the annual Manjano Exhibition.
Together the liberals and religious groups made Mubarak leave power. In the new landscape they constitute fronts that are becoming harsher
The purpose of the conference was to redefine what independence means to this sector, to identify its aspirations and its available resources and potential, and to revise its strategies and its current and prospective roles with respect to the social and political changes that are now unfolding.
Cover, newsletter Dec 2012
Contents, December issue:
About Service Providers
Call for proposals
The Artsfex Launch
New filter: Cyrus Kabiru
Promoting innovative arts: Kuona Trust Arts Centre
Culture at the forefront of change
A Moroccan service provider
A platform for engagement
Theater as a tool for social inclusion
Showcasing Moroccan design
Ettijahat. Independent Culture and the Syrian Association for Culture and Knowledge, launch an open call for proposals within the framework of "Researches. To Strengthen Culture of Knowledge" project. This project is aimed at building the capacities of young researchers and granting them the opportunity to produce Researches linked to the Syrian Culture.
Application and all needed information are available on:
Project support by Mimeta
Independent Culture for Democracy Conference kicks off on 15 December
2012 at Flamenco Hotel in Cairo, with the participation of more than 120
cultural leaders working in the independent cultural sector from Egypt,
Tunisia, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine Jordan,
Iraq, Kuwait, Mauritania and Sudan. International cultural institutions from
Europe and Turkey and representatives of international institutions based in
Cairo will also participate in the conference. Topics that will be discussed
during the conference include: the independence of culture, funding of the
independent cultural sector, independent cultural work in the current political
circumstances, the rise of strict religious currents and the development of old
structures of cultural institutions.
Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy) organizes this conference in response
to the critical changes that are happening in the Arab region, with the aim of
reinforcing the role of the independent cultural sector during the democratic
transition in the Arab region by seeking to reach a set of priorities for the
work of the independent cultural sector during this phase and in accordance
with the current situation of each Arab country.
In parallel, the second meeting of the Arab Cultural Policy Group will be held on Friday 14 December, with the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the work of the National Cultural Policy Groups in the different Arab countries, as part of the Cultural Policy program launched by Al Mawred Al Thaqafy to develop the cultural policies in the Arab region. The meeting discusses the future steps of the cultural policy program in general, and of each National Group. National Cultural Policy Group Coordinators from Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, and Palestine will take part in this meeting.
Independent Culture for Democracy conference continues until Monday 17 December, and will be concluded with a press conference to announce the results and recommendations of the conference.
On 12
December 2012, the most prestigious Principal Prince Claus Award will be
presented to Eloísa Cartonera at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam.
Eloísa Cartonera is an Argentinian co-operative that publishes striking handmade books from recycled materials. Eloísa Cartonera is honoured with the Principal Award because it is an example of innovation, creativity and quality. Ten other artists, thinkers, filmmakers and organisations from countries including Syria, Burma and Somaliland/Somalia are also honoured for their outstanding contribution to culture and development.
Her Majesty the Queen, HRH Prince Willem Alexander, HRH Princess Máxima, HRH Princess Mabel, HRH Prince Constantijn and HRH Princess Laurentien will attend the presentation of the Principal Prince Claus Award. Honorary Chairman HRH Prince Constantijn will present the 2012 Principal Prince Claus Award to Eloísa Cartonera.
Mimeta is at the award ceremony and a lot of other
smaller events during this "summing up the year gathering" in
Amsterdam. We have been among the guests for the last five years and
really appreciate this opportunity to mingle and meet.
I work carefully and imperceptibly below the surface when it comes to freedom of artistic expression. Deep down I stand by those who want to break it but remind them of realities above the surface. At the same time, the water becomes shallower. This is my duty as a producer.
(Faisal Kiwewa, Bayimba, Uganda.)
The short version
Mimetas vision is to give GIVE PEOPLE THEIR RIGHT TO FREE CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS, created on free terms and presented by independent institutions.
Our mission is to support and protect those who want to enhance a culture by aesthetic or intellectual means.
By both our vision and mission Mimeta highlight the impact arts have on developing open societies, including the culture itself and the political spfere.
On the strategic level Mimeta is acheiving results by supporting organisations and individuals who work on behalf of the arts, to improve the sectors´ position on rights issues, in political and legal matters, on professionalism and skills, the distribution of the arts and - in the end - the sustainability of the sector.
We call them the service providers to the arts.
For more information on our priorities and strategic initiatives
Nadia Cherif was given the task of evaluating Mimeta's program for cultural sector development (2020-22. It was finalized in november 2023, and gave good input for next stage. Read here