Mimeta inviterer til et sosialt lunsjmøte (11.30) torsdag 1. desember i våre kontorer i 2..etasje i Thommensengården 5 (Arendal senrum). Vi inviterer ledere av kulturvirksomheter med tilhold i Arendal. Vi har behov for for å bli kjent med dere, og vil også gjerne fortelle litt om Mimeta sitt arbeid. Samtidig vil vi lufte en tanke om et felles arrangement, en fringe-festival.
Vi lager en lapp hos Kafe Viktor - slik at dere kan få dere ønsker derfra. Gå bare innom, velg det som passer og ta med maten opp til oss. Kaffe og annet drikke trenger dere ikke tenke på.
Arendal Fringe
Arendal is known for Arendalsuka, where the political statements find their own venues, where the meetings find their own rooms. Where everyone organizes for both their own audience, each other and each other's audience. Arendal Fringe is the Arendalsuka of creativity, where art is performed everywhere. Where there is open access for anyone who has a story to tell and find a stage to do it from.
Diversity is a premise for a representative and relevant art and cultural life. Art and culture are created based on different cultural viewpoints, experiences and ways of living. Structural elements such as language, understandings of quality and professional organization of schemes can be obstacles for new voices and expressions. Representing a marginalized position is often burdensome for the individual actor and entails a personal additional cost. A more diverse field of art cannot be the responsibility of the individual.
Arendal Fringe will initiate critical reflection and conversations that challenge prevailing practices in the field of art and culture, and that examine the conditions for how aesthetic expressions are privileged and evaluated in relation to each other. A real and structural diversity does not only mean listening for practices and descriptions of reality that are new to the audiences, but about actively making room for conversations and experiences from perspectives and points of view that have previously been under-covered and marginalized.
Everyone should be able to take part in Arendal Fringe regardless of geography, cultural point of view and social and economic background. The Festival will facilitate a wide range of aesthetic practices where a diversity of creative processes is staged.
More than inspired from the the present Kulturrådets strategy.
Håper dere kan komme!
Med hilsen
Laila & Cato