The ZAT (Temporary Artistic Zone) is now transformed into a dynamic multimedia digital magazine. Emerging from the rich tapestry of Dream City Festival and the pioneering efforts of L'Art Rue, ZAT has always been a platform for bold artistic expressions and civic struggles. This innovative edition encapsulates the memorable encounters, dialogues, and collaborations of recent years.

En av Arendalsukas største begivenheter i år var da Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen la frem sin rapport, som også omfatter et kapittel om kunstnerisk frihet. Den sier at «Knapt noen steder i verden ligger forholdene like godt til rette for en velfungerende ytringsfrihet og sunn ytringskultur enn i Norge. Det gjelder også for kunstnere og den kunstneriske friheten. Med dette utgangspunktet følger også et ansvar for å engasjere seg i kunstneres kår andre steder i verden, der forholdene er langt mer krevende. Norske myndigheter og kunstnerorganisasjoner bør være pådrivere og rollemodeller for kunstnerisk frihet også internasjonalt.

An international programme of artistic exchange between the Maghreb and the Nordic countries, with potential involvement more widely across the Middle East and Northern Europe, dedicated to supporting contemporary arts practice, artistic mobility, freedom of expression and research collaboration is currently being prepared by a number of key interested institutions across Europe, the Nordic Countries and the Maghreb.

AuthorCato Litangen

Tandem / Shaml 2014-15 call for applications!

Tandem / Shaml announces its second round. Application deadline 15 January 2014. Tandem / Shaml is an exchange and knowledge development programme which allows cultural professionals from many different disciplines to acquire skills required for engaging in long-term cooperation across borders. The Tandem process provides hands-on possibilities for getting real insights to a newly emerging Arab cultural scene but also for gaining practical experiences in collaborating with a rapidly changing field across Europe.


The war has got an impact on major events such as the Festival sur le Niger and the Festival au Désert. The Festival sur le Niger have been reduced for a special edition, without music and other festive activities, because... of the state of emergency in the country. For the special edition, we will have an International Symposium on the theme "Culture and Governance", Workshops and Master Class on the theme: "Peace and Social Cohesion", etc. The Festival au Désert have been cancelled for 2013, unfortunately. Generally, activities are in a slow motion.
