Protests over inequality persist in Chile, with artists involved, despite government crackdowns and ongoing unrest in 2025
Velkommen til frokostseminar om kraften i historiefortelling og hvordan den kan brukes til å påvirke både individuelle ferdigheter og endringer av sosiale situasjoner. Arendal Voksenopplæring og Media Service AS, i samarbeid med Oslo Met og NLA-Høgskolen, bruker film i språkopplæring for innvandrere i Arendal. Prosjektet er finansiert av Imdi.
Basma El Husseiny er fra Egypt. Hun er en internasjonalt anerkjent kulturleder, og driver den arabiske organisasjonen Action for Hope som har filmskoler for unge syriske flyktninger i Libanon.
27 to 30 October 2022 - Centro Cultural del Bosque INBAL - Colegio de San Ildefonso
This year, Landscapes of Hope , launched by Action For Hope العمل للأمل, is organizing its annual international rally of artists and writers for Social Justice live in Mexico City.
Action for Hope was founded to provide cultural development and cultural relief programs that meet the social, cultural and psychological needs of distressed and displaced communities.
Our partner on cultural rights, Action for Hope, Announces the Opening of its New Branch in Amman, Jordan: Action for Hope started its work in Jordan in 2016 in partnership with CARE International and Crescendo Music and Art Academy; two highly regarded organizations that provided support to Action for Hope’s activities in the country. Over the past six years Action for Hope organized two cultural relief convoys in Amman in 2015 and 2016, provided advanced training in filmmaking to 49 young people, and provided music education to 61 young people who graduated from its music school in Amman.
This step reflects the organization’s commitment to continuing its work to provide marginalized communities in Jordan with cultural services and activities. The Amman branch will also complement the organization’s work out of its Beirut and Brussels offices to promote and protect cultural rights and support cultural actors working under difficult conditions, especially in the countries that are undergoing difficult social, political and economic turbulences such as Sudan and Iraq.
The 8th edition of Dream City will take place from 30 September to 9 October 2022 with a programme built around creative works in dialogue with the city and its inhabitants, developed during long periods of residency, broadcast works that resonate and echo the creations and, as always, times for debate, exchange and reflection.
Discover the programme!
At a time when Mali lives an unprecedented political and identity crisis, we need more than ever to promote some of our values to get out of this abyss created by this situation. Today more than ever, Malians need to gather around what unites them. Today more than ever, the sons of this country must talk to each other, understand each other, and forgive each other. Because, dialogue is the best way to peace. Yes, dialogue to appease hearts; dialogue to learn from the past; dialogue to know and recognize each other; dialogue to accept each other despite our differences; dialogue to define the basic elements that will form the basis of the new Mali; dialogue to promote cultural diversity. Mali is characterized by the wealth of its artistic and cultural expressions. From Kidal to Kayes, each population has its particularity. And it is this mosaic that has always made the charm of this country.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) urges for increased humanitarian aid in their January report. Nearly two years of civil war in Syria has produced a regional humanitarian disaster.