One of the strategic discourses given much attention by our partners relates to this significant role of the arts and storytellers, in shaping our understanding of the world around us. In contemporary terminology this understanding is defined as the narratives we relate to. For our partners the possible shaping of changes in these narratives is a primary motivation for their work, according to a survey Mimeta did among partners in 2022.


Velkommen til frokostseminar om kraften i historiefortelling og hvordan den kan brukes til å påvirke både individuelle ferdigheter og endringer av sosiale situasjoner. Arendal Voksenopplæring og Media Service AS, i samarbeid med Oslo Met og NLA-Høgskolen, bruker film i språkopplæring for innvandrere i Arendal. Prosjektet er finansiert av Imdi. 

Basma El Husseiny er fra Egypt. Hun er en internasjonalt anerkjent kulturleder, og driver den arabiske organisasjonen Action for Hope som har filmskoler for unge syriske flyktninger i Libanon.


Brett Davidson is the Narrative Lead at IRIS (read about the partnership between Mimeta and IRIS here). What makes narrative change so hard? Non-profits and funders can go too far in pointing fingers at their own shortcomings, and the reality is that they are playing on an uneven psychological field, explains Brett Davidson for the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Brett Davidson, a narrative strategist with deep experience in health equity, is particularly interested in the role of storytelling, popular culture, and arts activism in bringing about social change (from IRIS Hopepage)
