Norad's opportunity to directly engage in the administration of Norway's human rights efforts opens up new avenues. The director of Norad stated at last year's World Expression Forum in Lillehammer that they only support freedom of expression environments in the media sector working on themes related to Norad's other initiatives. Support for freedom of expression can now be on clear terms. The work for cultural rights will also be managed by Norad from August onwards. Not as in the old days, to change a narrative about, for example, gender equality through a production of Ibsen's "A Doll's House" in Mali, but to support those fighting for a society where artistic expressions are protected, and participation in artistic production is possible.

CategoriesCultural policy

Solveig Korum Korum har tatt doktorgrad i bruk av musikk som verktøy i norsk utenriks- og bistandspolitikk ved Universitetet i Agder. I fagbladet for norsk bistandssektor, Panorama Nyheter, viser Solveig Korum til Mimeta som eksempel på norske organisasjoner som arbeider sammen med lokale partnere for å få frem en fungerende kultursektor i land der myndigheten ikke tar dette ansvaret.

CategoriesCultural policy