At its cultural policy seminar and subsequent Steering Committee meeting in Nairobi in November 2009, it was agreed that Arterial Network would establish a number of in-country reading groups of 3-10 participants who would meet fortnightly (or at least monthly) for two hours to read about, debate and write responses to current international cultural discourses and themes.
AuthorCato Litangen

Suzanna Owiyo - Photo: Linda LieThe celebrated Kenyan singer, Suzanna Owiyo, visits Norway for the Mimeta launch. Last time on Norwegian soil - she at attended the Nobel Peace Prize Concert - for laurate Wangari Maathai. Main reason for Suzanna coming this time is to present her work to the music industry, festivals and press. She is also part of the Imagine Africa CD with the track "Tich en Tish".

For more information, see Imagineafrica website
And buy directly on the web:
For sale here!

AuthorCato Litangen

In cooperation with Mimeta the Norwegian record company Kirkelig Kulturverksted has produced a CD which is the first in a series that, put together, will offer a piece of the musical picture of the African continent.
It presents music by artists and music producers in East Africa. These are artists who continue to live in their own countries, seeking their artistic identity and inspiration there. They mix traditional African elements of style, rhythm and tonality with European and American popular music, keenly aware that the music that has developed in the West has travelled a long and circuitous route.

For more information, see Imagineafrica website
And buy directly on the web:
For sale here!



AuthorCato Litangen

Pratik Vithlani, MimetaDuring the CinemAfrica Filmfestival in Stockholm, starting 24th February, Mimetas head of the Business Development Program - Pratik Vithlani - will moderate the Industry Filmforum session, focusing production and distribution of African Cinema.

Pratik has during the past year worked closely with the GoDown Arts Centre in Kenya, supporting the development of the creative industries in the region, to strengthen entrepreneurship and supporting the growth of businesses within arts, culture, film, music. Pratik has a background from management consulting and private equity industries.


Mimeta has taken onboard the Imagine Africa campaign from the former Culture Initiative of Strømme Foundation. We coordinate activities, web-based communities and run the website. Imagine Africa is a campaign to Promote and Strenghten African Arts. It contributes to the communication of African Arts, expressions of reasoning and creative industries.

The starting point was the opening remarks Imagine Africa by Breyten Breytenbach at the ARTerial, Conference on Vitalizing African Cultural Assets, on Gorée Island, Senegal, in March 2007. (See the full text on

How to use the stamp? See: The Culture Resource website

Egypt and Norway have agreed to initiate cultural cooperation in some specific fields, including the intangible cultural heritage, creativity, arts and culture for children and youth and literary translation.


AuthorCato Litangen

We are happy to announce that Olaf Gundersen has joined Mimeta as head of communication, that Hege Aasgaard is engaged as network and information coordinator and that Pratik Vithlani will lead our creative business section. 

AuthorCato Litangen