Ettijahat. Independent Culture, launches an open call for proposals within the framework of "Research. To Strengthen Culture of Knowledge" project. This project is aimed at building the capacities of young researchers and granting them the opportunity to produce Researches linked to the Syrian Culture.

 Application, FAQs, and all needed information are available on:

AuthorCato Litangen

On Tuesday 19 August, some of Zimbabwe’s best-loved artists come together at Book Café from 7pm in a rainbow presentation of great African music, in solidarity with Book Café founder Paul Brickhill who is struggling with ill health in a local hospital.

AuthorCato Litangen

May 1-15 the second edition of the international art festival Redzone will be hosted by Culture Resource in Cairo and Beirut, within the context of Spring Festival, in collaboration with the Cultural Cooperative for Youth in Theatre and Cinema (Shams) in Lebanon and KKV of Norway. The concept behind the Redzone festival is that true freedom of expression cannot exist without giving the arts access to a broad audience.

AuthorCato Litangen

Utenriksminister Børge Brende inviterte Mimeta, tre andre organisasjoner fra kultur- og utviklingssektoren samt et stort antall mennekerettighetsorgianisasjoner fra det norske sivilsamfunnet til å bidra med sine innspill til Utenriksdepartementets kommende melding til Stortinget om menneskerettigheter i norsk utenriks- og utviklingspolitikk. I oppstartsmøtet poengterte Brende at Grunnlovsjubileet var en god anledning for et slikt arbeid og at sist dette skjedde var i 1999. Her finner du innspillet fra Mimeta: 

AuthorCato Litangen

Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende: Norwegian development policy is to contribute to greater democratization, realizing human rights and that people can work themselves out of permanent poverty. To achieve the first two goals is a prerequisite for reaching the third. 

Today he invites civil organizations in Norway and their international networks for providing input to strengthen joint efforts to promote human rights. Happy that Mimeta is considered to be one of these contributing organisations. It is another confirmation the right based culture and development policy of Norway.


The struggle for inclusion of culture as a new goal in the post 2015 development agenda.

The Millennium Declaration failed to highlight the fundamental role that culture plays in the fight against poverty and the achievement of sustainability. For the next phase, the post 2015 development agenda, a broad range of stakeholders are advocating that culture must be at the heart of this transformative change and that the integration of culture within development efforts is crucial to tackle a large number of the current global challenges more effectively and sustainably. The Pan-African arts network, Arterial, is one of the voices that has formulated their position. Mimeta is communicating the Arterial Networks position paper here. 


The Swedish Foundation for Human Rights (SFHR), Arterial Network and Mimeta join forces to put Human Rights issues higher on the global arts- and culture agenda. Training sessions in Human Rights will be provided for the African sector in 2014 – supported by the Swedish Postcode Lottery
