Cato Litangen, CEO
Cato holds a University degree with political science as major. His professional experiences are within management, business development and communication. Cato has previously worked as a communication manager at UNEP/GRID-Arendal, press advisor to the European Commission and director to the board of Gjensidige Insurance.
Hege Aasgaard, Information and network
Hege has studied History and Literature and has a BA (hons) in Media and Cultural studies. She has previously worked as media editor for Quartfestivalen (music), marketing coordinator for Norgesfilm AS and as a freelance journalist for magazines and in advertising. In 2006 she co-founded a culture and arts magazine in Norway ( where she is still editor.
Pratik Vithlani, Managing Director, Sweden
Pratik brings experience from the business sector where he has been employed by private equity firms and been engaged as management consultant for a wide range of firms. His introduction to culture sector came from involvement with a contemporary circus in Sweden. Pratik has a BA in Geography from Lund University, focusing on third world development and when joining Mimeta team he was engaged in a project operating in East Africa.
Tomas Bokstad, Consultant
Tomas brings experience as manager within the culture sector and during 7 years he was engaged in projects related to culture policy, intercultural dialogue and international partnerships funded by the EU. Before joining the Mimeta team, Tomas worked for the Swedish government, at the Ministry of Culture and the Prime Minister’s office.
Yvonne Rock, Consultant
Yvonne has been engaged by the Swedish government in different projects starting in the 1990s with Margot Wallström when she was Minister of Youth affairs. Yvonne has her background as producer in performing arts in which capacity she have established a couple of theater companies and been involved in several large-scale international culture projects. Before joining the Mimeta team Yvonne worked closely with Stiftelsen Framtidens Kultur.