Arterial Network will host its first annual continental conference on the African Creative Economy in September 2011, which will coincide with its third biannual conference. The aims of the conference are to provide a theoretical and statistical overview of the African creative economy as a basis for future interventions and advocacy purposes, and to identify and develop African expertise in this area.
Interested speakers are invited to submit expressions of interest in the topics listed below. While anyone is invited to submit such expressions of interest, preference will be given to African speakers who are based on the continent and who have the relevant expertise, experience or potential in these fields. Where necessary, Arterial Network may fund research and the preparation of papers on particular subjects.
Interested parties are required to submit:
a. a letter expressing interest in a particular theme (interest in more than one theme may be expressed);
b. a Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing relevant expertise, your contact details, city and country of current location;
c. the methodology of the approach that will be taken in dealing with the subject (not more than one page) methodology?;
d. the names and contact details of two referees familiar with your work;
e. the language in which you will present (English, French, Portuguese and Arabic are the preferred languages);
f. an indication of whether you are a member of Arterial Network or not;
g. whether you will require funding to undertake research in preparing the paper or not.
Submissions are to be send to Espera Donouvossi at by 17 June 2011
The topics and formats are:
1. Keynote addresses (30 minutes maximum each)
1.1 An overview of the contemporary global creative economy in the context of global political and economic conditions;
1.2 An overview of the African creative economy;
1.3 Building international markets for African creative goods and services – the possibilities and constraints;
1.4 Building regional African markets for local creative goods and services – the possibilities and constraints.
2. Panel discussions (15 minutes maximum each, up to five case studies)
2.1 The contribution of creative cities to regional and national economies (actual case studies);
2.2 The contribution of arts festivals and events to national and regional economies (case studies of actual festivals).
3. Roundtable discussions (up to two presenters per theme; 20 minutes each)
3.1 The UNESCO Convention on cultural diversity and its relevance to the African creative economy;
3.2 An introduction to the African Union’s Plan of Action on Cultural Industries;
3.3 Developing cultural policy in support of the creative economy;
3.4 Culture and Development: what does it mean in and for Africa today?
3.5 The challenges of north-south cultural collaboration and exchange in the context of inequitable resource allocation and power relations;
3.6 Old colonialists, new colonialists: what BRICS could mean for the African creative sector;
3.7 The state and challenge of cultural statistics and creative economy research in Africa;
3.8 Creative industries in Africa: what conditions are necessary for their viable sustainability?;
3.9 Intellectual property rights from an African perspective and their relevance to the creative economy;
3.10 The challenges and possibilities of the emphasis on the creative economy to artists’ rights, freedom of expression and art for its own sake.
Suggestions for alternate or additional topics under the broad theme of the African Creative Economy are welcome, in which case, provide the same information as required above.