Racines works at establishing a cultural policy in Morocco.
From a round table discussion on copyright issues in Morocco.
The recent past of Arab countries reveals that changes do not automatically guarantee a functioning democracy. Radical changes are needed to learn how to understand the other, to accept differences and beliefs. Racines, a Moroccan NGO working around cultural development issues, which is also the national chapter of the ARTerial Network, believes that culture can be a structural tool in the process of securing democracy, human rights and individual freedom for the people. Racines aims to promote and defend a better access to culture for all as a human right, as a social and economic development factor, to advocate and campaign for a cultural policy, a cultural economy and for artists’ rights and status.
Mimeta is co-funding a project, conducted by Racines and the Centre for Social, Economic and Managerial Studies, that aims to establish a cultural policy in Morocco. The project will run over a course of two years and shall identify the cultural sector in the country, host several workshops focusing on subjects such as the status and rights of the artists, diversity, creative economy and outreach. In its research, Racines includes the cultural sector, civil society, schools, youth organizations, educational institutions and authorities around the country. The project will at the end of the period propose a cultural policy for Morocco and publish the final results.
Racines monthly seminar "Les Mercredi de Racines".