Independent culture is an especially important voice and movement in periods of transition.
Rana Yazaji, Founding member and Managing Director Ettijahat.
Ettijahat Independent Culture is an organization that stimulates the growth of independent culture in Syria by encouraging a positive and real relationship between culture and Syria’s diverse communities. The organization is part of an active and independent cultural movement in the country by cooperating on dynamic and relevant projects. They provide basic tools and structures required to build projects that are in-line with regional and national developments in the culture sector, and develop national policies to art and culture and shifting general understanding of culture from part of the service sector, to a vital element in the development sector.
Mimeta collaborates with Ettijahat on a research project aimed at building the capacities of young researchers and granting them the opportunity to focus on working in the field of cultural study and research. Ettijahat will train and support 10 young researchers. The project’s objective is to improve the skills of researchers, offer them direction and give them the opportunity to realize a research project under the direct supervision of professional researchers specialized in culture that forms the scientific committee of the project. Through the selection criteria for the participating researchers, the project focuses on relevant subjects of cultural research connected to the bewildering developments that Syria is undergoing at present.