Pic from Al Mawred, one of signatories of statement
In solidarity with and participation in the popular uprisings taking place across Lebanon against the current systems of power, we the undersigned cultural organizations and structures collectively commit to Open Strike, and call for our colleagues in the cultural sector to join us.
Arts and Culture are an integral part of every society, and the expanded space of creative and critical thought is imperative in times of upheaval. The strike is therefore not a withdrawal of the arts and culture from this moment, but rather a suspension of “business as usual.”
In this period, we will maintain minimum necessary administrative and basic operations, with team-members who are willingly fulfilling our respective responsibilities. The strike is also in response to the desires of team members to be on the street, a desire we are legally and ethically bound to.
While on strike, we are connecting with colleagues across sectors and groups to formulate together what we can contribute to the movement. We are part of a national, regional and global desire to dream, think, fight for, enact and embody radical imaginations leading to structural and systemic change. See you on the streets.
October 25, 2019
SIGNATURES - الموقعون
Arab Image Foundation - المؤسسة العربية للصورة
ُThe Arab Fund for Arts and Culture - AFAC الصندوق العربي للثقافة والفنون - آفاق
Beirut Art Center - مركز بيروت للفن
Sursock Museum - متحف سرسق
UMAM Documentation & Research - أمم للتوثيق والأبحاث
House of Today - منزل اليوم
TAP/ Temporary Art Platform - منصة مؤقتة للفن
Beirut DC - جمعية بيروت دي سي
Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture - دار النمر للفنون والثقافة
The Hangar -الهنغار
MACAM - Modern And Contemporary Art Museum
Culture Resource (Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy) - المورد الثقافي
Metropolis Art Cinema - سينما متروبوليس
Irtijal - ارتجال
Ashkal Alwan - أشكال ألوان
Shams: The Cultural Cooperative Association for Youth in Theatre and Cinema - جمعية شمس
Ettijahat-Independent Culture - اتجاهات-ثقافة مستقلة
Seenaryo - سيناريو
Beirut Art Residency - بيروت أرت رزيدنسي
Samandal - السمندل
مؤسسة بدايات للفنون السمعية البصرية - Bidayyat
Ishbilia Theatre and Art hub- Saida مسرح و سينما إشبيلية- صيدا
Action for Hope - العمل للأمل
Collectif Kahraba
Sfeir-Semler Gallery - صفير-زملر غاليري
Beirut and Beyond - بيروت أند بيوند
Dar Onboz - دار قنبز
Mina Image Center - مركز مينا للصورة
فرقة كون المسرحية - KOON Theater Group
منوال - Minwal
STATION - ستايشن
Zoukak Theatre Company and Cultural Association - فرقة زقاق المسرحية
Dar al-Mussawir - دار المصور