For første gang hedrer Raftoprisen en kunstner. Budskapet er at kunst kan være et viktig verktøy i kampen mot autoritære regimer. Anerkjennelsen av Otero Alcántaras arbeid minner oss om at kunstneriske rettigheter er menneskerettigheter – og de må beskyttes

We are happy to announce that the Rafto Prize 2024 has been awarded to Cuban artist and activist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, in recognition of his courageous resistance to authoritarianism through art. Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is the first Rafto Prize laureate whose activism is rooted in artistic expression. His work stands as a profound example of how art can be a vital tool in the fight for artistic rights and freedom of expression, making this year’s award especially meaningful within the arts sector.

2023 was marked by severe conflicts, such as those in Sudan and Gaza, alongside political tensions fueled by extremism and threats. It was a perilous year for anyone voicing opinions on war, politics, challenging tradition, or critiquing the powerful—artists were no exception.

Our partners network building is many-faceted. They serve professionalism in a field. They are extensive alumina networks based on participation in capacity building programs within the sector. They are kept together by a common interest in upholding an arts sector despite migration and re-location from a broken homeland. They are served by diaspora-based entities that works to uphold and foster critical voices at home ground. They are part of international alliances for the protection of artist at risk. As examples. A new tendency is the focus from the arts and culture sector to engage in cross-sectorial networks, and they are organizing locally, regionally and on an international level, implying a shift from policy and advocacy networks to socially engaged networks where purposes are within the field of (social and political) change. 


Nhimbe Trust, a dedicated advocate for cultural rights, has recently published its inaugural report focusing on artistic freedom in the Africa Region. Titled "Artistic Freedom in Focus: A Call for Change," the report meticulously examines cases of artistic freedom violations, highlighting the challenges faced by creators in the region.

At the Salzburg Global Seminar session ‘On the Front Lines: Artists at Risk, Artists who Risk’, in March 2023, fifty artists, activists and representatives from supporting organizations hailing from forty countries created the Salzburg Statement on Supporting Artists on the Front Line.  

Utenriksdepartementet støtter Unesco sitt Aschberg-program. Dette har fokus på beskyttelse av kunstnerisk frihet. Rett før sommeren publiserte de Defending Creative Voices, en dyptpløyende gjennomgang av de internasjonale beskyttelsesmekanismene for kunstnere, med tittelunderteksten «Learning from the safety of journalists». Referansen til journalister er nærliggende. Begge grupper er spesielt fremhevet i menneskerettighetssystemet, og begge er avhengige av ytringsfrihet i arbeidet sitt.

Carving out a space for free expression has always been a high-cost fight for artists under autocratic rule. Today, that space is contested even in some established western democracies. This session will present you with real life models and experiences from Africa, the Middle East and Norway of those working effortlessly to salvage a space for free expression for artists.  How can we ensure more international engagement in protecting the rights of artists at risk?
