The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are crucial to Mimeta’s vision and approach to the idea of cultural development and artistic freedom. They are precisely emphasising how Mimeta can promote democratisation and the implementation of human rights. The SDGs also influence the structures of monitoring and evaluating within programmes of Mimeta

Through narrative transformation, our partners aim to not only captivate hearts and minds but to drive tangible shifts in behaviors and policies, contributing to a more positive and equitable world. At Mimeta, we recognize the profound influence that narratives wield in shaping perceptions, behaviors, and policies across diverse societal sectors. Our belief is rooted in the understanding that the creative sector, represented by our partners, with its expertise in storytelling, plays a pivotal role in catalyzing positive change.

With acceptance of higher tolerances for threats in the process of pursuing intended outcomes, comes implicit expectations on increasing the understanding of why the goals were or were not reached. Another such expectation is that when working in these complex environments, one may also seek a large degree of innovation in order to reach the defined goals.
