The ive Art Association was initially developed as an initiative in October 2012 by a group of playwrights with various artistic backgrounds who are looking forward to produce a creative artistic and cultural work to be the beginning for forward-looking vision. This vision aims to keep pace with revolutionary movement of Tunisian society, improve the practice of art, set new esthetic values, support communication with social groups that need to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of performing arts, anddevelop interactive activities at the level of performances and training.
The founders believe in society’s right to own culture and creativity, and in its ability to change through the arts within an atmosphere charged with the values nd principles of humanity. They support the capacity development programs,experimentation, production, and distribution in the field of theater, arts, and general culture. They also support creating afield focusing on the performing arts and enhancing its role in supporting the beneficiary groups and giving them confidence and establishing principles and values hat are associated tohuman rights and responsibilities towards himself and his community. They use the legal and artistic approach indeveloping the capabilities, knowledge, and skills of beneficiary groups, and support the capacity development programs, experimentation, production, and distribution in the field of theater, arts, and general culture. They encourage artistic practice and dissemination of culture and knowledge associated with various fields among the beneficiary groups and inside the most marginalized regions.