Sanad in the Digital Realm responds to the needs of Syrian people, both inside and outside Syria, who cannot necessarily gather in physical spaces to reach audiences safely. Digital space offers a viable alternative, particularly for projects using bold and innovative formats
En av Arendalsukas største begivenheter i år var da Ytringsfrihetskommisjonen la frem sin rapport, som også omfatter et kapittel om kunstnerisk frihet. Den sier at «Knapt noen steder i verden ligger forholdene like godt til rette for en velfungerende ytringsfrihet og sunn ytringskultur enn i Norge. Det gjelder også for kunstnere og den kunstneriske friheten. Med dette utgangspunktet følger også et ansvar for å engasjere seg i kunstneres kår andre steder i verden, der forholdene er langt mer krevende. Norske myndigheter og kunstnerorganisasjoner bør være pådrivere og rollemodeller for kunstnerisk frihet også internasjonalt.
The ACP-EU Culture Programe - Créer en Afrique Centrale has launched its third call for proposals to support cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in Central Africa as economic, social and cultural actors, with the aim of increasing the economic revenues of the creative sector, fostering the creation of sustainable jobs in the cultural sector as well as better accessibility, recognition and valorisation of artists and their works.
Our partner on cultural rights, Action for Hope, Announces the Opening of its New Branch in Amman, Jordan: Action for Hope started its work in Jordan in 2016 in partnership with CARE International and Crescendo Music and Art Academy; two highly regarded organizations that provided support to Action for Hope’s activities in the country. Over the past six years Action for Hope organized two cultural relief convoys in Amman in 2015 and 2016, provided advanced training in filmmaking to 49 young people, and provided music education to 61 young people who graduated from its music school in Amman.
This step reflects the organization’s commitment to continuing its work to provide marginalized communities in Jordan with cultural services and activities. The Amman branch will also complement the organization’s work out of its Beirut and Brussels offices to promote and protect cultural rights and support cultural actors working under difficult conditions, especially in the countries that are undergoing difficult social, political and economic turbulences such as Sudan and Iraq.
The 8th edition of Dream City will take place from 30 September to 9 October 2022 with a programme built around creative works in dialogue with the city and its inhabitants, developed during long periods of residency, broadcast works that resonate and echo the creations and, as always, times for debate, exchange and reflection.
Discover the programme!
Our partner Action for Hope is inviting for their Fa’ael Forum. The 2022 edition aims to present a realistic image of the economic, political, and social challenges facing art and cultural practitioners in the Arab region, specifically those who are on the margins of the central and elitist art circles, and it will also attempt to probe into some of the strategies used to address these challenges.
This forum will bring together over 20 former participants in the Fa’ael programme from several Arab countries, who also proposed the discussion topics in the program. We also added to the program brief focus sessions to shed light on the reality of cultural work in Yemen, Libya and Sudan, since very little information is available to art and culture practitioners beyond these countries’ borders.
We hope that the Forum will provide an opportunity, both for participants and for the general public, to get acquainted with the work of art and culture activists and directors outside of elitist circles. This is the second edition of the Forum, following last years’ first edition which took place online and was streamed on social media platforms. (The invitation text of Action for Hope)
Thursday 1 September to Saturday 3 of September 2022
At Al Madina Theatre, Beirut - Lebanon
#Culture2030goal Statement on UNESCO Mondiacult 2022
As a contribution to the UNESCO Mondiacult Conference, to be held from 28 to 30 September 2022 in Mexico City, the #Culture2030Goal campaign issued a Declaration on 28 April. The Declaration calls for concrete, bold and engaging actions to accelerate the transition to a world where culture is at the heart of decision-making. It also calls for a stand-alone Goal on Culture. The campaign is organized by International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity and partners.
For its 8th edition, become a volunteer and participate in the implementation of the Festival of Art in the City Dream City which will take place from September 30 to October 9 in the Medina of Tunis and downtown.
Dream City, whose vocation is, since 2007, to bring Art where it is not, presents for this 2022 edition ten days of performances and installations in public spaces, in the streets, cafés, houses and squares of the Medina of Tunis and the city centre. In a festive and friendly atmosphere, the smooth running of the biennial is ensured at each edition thanks to the strong participation, enthusiasm and commitment of the volunteers.
Aspiring mediators, art lovers, artists, communication enthusiasts or cultural explorers... It's your turn to be part of the adventure!
> I register
Many thanks to Culture Resource for this report from our event. From our view, it is needed that regional organizations, like Culture Resource and field initiatives like The International Coalition for Filmmakers at risk, are teaming up with PEN America’s Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) and the International Cities of Refuge (ICORN).
Det fjortende i rekken av det internasjonale Møtet mellom partnere for utvikling av kulturelle rettigheter i arabisk kulturliv vil i år arrangeres på Lillehammer i tilknytning til World Expression Forum ( Møtet samler et trettitalls representanter, fra fra krigsherjede land, fra land med autoritære regimer og land som har en betinget frihet for sektoren. Kunstnerisk frihet, tilgang til deltakelse i kunstproduksjon, ytrings- og forsamlingsfrihet er del av tematikken.