Exploring Narrative Impact

The purpose is to enhance the capacity of civil society organizations to transform narratives and utilize them for social change.

Strategic Program considerations:
In the purpose statement above, although there might not be explicit mention of strategic considerations, the inherent aim to "enhance the capacity of civil society organizations" implies a strategic approach. The focus on capacity enhancement suggests a deliberate effort to build the necessary skills, resources, and capabilities within these organizations. Furthermore, the goal of transforming narratives and utilizing them for social change is, in itself, a strategic initiative that aims for a broader impact on society. While not explicitly stated, the vision of this program inherently implies a strategic direction toward strengthening organizational capabilities on leveraging narratives for societal transformation.

In alignment with the purpose of fostering impactful narratives, projects within the Exploring Narrative Impact Program are required to involve professional partners from the arts or media. This deliberate choice is grounded in the belief that collaboration with experienced practitioners enhances the quality, depth, and reach of narratives. By engaging professionals from the arts or media, we aim to leverage their specialized expertise, ensuring that narratives are crafted with precision and resonate effectively.

Furthermore, projects are strongly encouraged to seek cross-sectorial attendance, recognizing the potential for broader outreach and influence. This intentional choice stems from the understanding that narratives gain strength through varied perspectives. By promoting cross-sectorial attendance, we not only enrich the narrative experience for diverse audiences but also maximize the program's impact by reaching individuals across different parts of civil society and backgrounds. This inclusive approach enhances the effectiveness of narratives and contributes to a more interconnected society, ultimately amplifying the program's outreach.


Narrative Transformation for Societal Impact:

Mimeta recognizes that meaningful change cannot be realized unless there is widespread awareness, acceptance, and advocacy for the necessity of these transformations. It is imperative to cultivate a community that extends beyond practitioners alone—a community that embraces these narratives, transforming them into widely adopted agents of change. In this context, storytelling emerges as a potent tool for effecting change. Through compelling narratives, we strive to work towards universal rights for practitioners, acknowledging that their freedom of expression is not only inherent but also a catalyst for transformative societal change.

At Mimeta, we believe that the art of storytelling is a catalyst for change. Through narrative transformation, we aim to not only captivate hearts and minds but to drive tangible shifts in behaviors and policies, contributing to a more positive and equitable world. At Mimeta, we recognize the profound influence that narratives wield in shaping perceptions, behaviors, and policies across diverse societal sectors. Our belief is rooted in the understanding that the creative sector, with its expertise in storytelling, plays a pivotal role in catalyzing positive change.

Storytelling is the act of conveying a sequence of events or experiences, often involving characters and a plot, through spoken, written, or visual means. It is the art of crafting and presenting stories to engage, entertain, inform, or evoke emotions in an audience. Storytelling can take various forms, including oral traditions, written literature, film, theater, and digital media. It involves the use of narrative elements such as characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution to create a cohesive and compelling narrative.

In a practical sense, storytelling is the process of narrating or presenting a story, often with the intention of communicating a message, introduce an imagination, conveying information, or eliciting a specific response from the audience. Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of human communication and has been used throughout history as a means of passing down cultural values, preserving history, and connecting people through shared narratives.

A narrative, on the other hand, is a broader concept that encompasses the entire structure and content of a story. It refers to the way events are organized and presented to create a coherent and meaningful account. A narrative includes not only the sequence of events but also the interpretation, meaning, and perspective applied to those events.

Narratives can be both fictional and non-fictional, encompassing stories and ideas, accounts, and descriptions that convey a sense of purpose or meaning. Narratives provide a framework for understanding and interpreting experiences, shaping the way individuals perceive and make sense of the world. They are not limited to traditional storytelling mediums but can also be found in everyday conversations, historical accounts, scientific explanations, and more.

In summary, storytelling is the active process of presenting a story, while narrative is the broader framework that includes the structure, content, and interpretation of that story. Storytelling is a means of conveying a narrative, and narratives can exist in various forms beyond traditional storytelling. Both concepts are integral to human communication, culture, and the way we construct and understand our shared experiences.

Social change refers to the transformation or alteration of societal structures, norms, values, behaviors, institutions, and relationships over time. It involves shifts in how individuals, communities, and institution’s function and interact within a given society. Social change can occur at various levels, including individual attitudes, community dynamics, organizational practices, and broader systemic structures.

Key aspects of social change include:

  1. Values and Norms: Changes in societal values and norms can influence behaviors and expectations. For example, shifts in attitudes toward equality, justice, or environmental sustainability can drive social change.

  2. Institutions and Systems: Social change often involves modifications in institutional structures and systemic practices. This could include reforms in education, healthcare, governance, and economic systems to address emerging challenges or promote inclusivity.

  3. Behavioral Changes: Individual and collective behaviors are central to social change. These changes can result from shifts in awareness, attitudes, and societal expectations.

  4. Power Dynamics: Social change may challenge existing power dynamics and structures, aiming to create more equitable and just societies. This can involve advocating for the rights of marginalized groups and challenging discriminatory practices.

  5. Advocacy and Activism: Individuals and groups often play a crucial role in driving social change through advocacy, activism, and mobilization. These efforts may focus on specific issues such as civil rights, environmental sustainability, or healthcare access.

  6. Technological and Cultural Influences: Advances in technology and changes in cultural dynamics can contribute to social change. The widespread adoption of new technologies, communication platforms, and cultural shifts can reshape how societies operate.

  7. Policy and Legislation: Social change is often facilitated through the development and implementation of new policies and legislation. Legal frameworks can be instrumental in addressing societal challenges and promoting positive transformations.

The Interconnection with Storytelling and the Narrative:
Storytelling and narrative play crucial roles in influencing social change. Effective storytelling has the power to shape and amplify narratives around social issues, mobilize public opinion, and inspire action. Narratives contribute to the construction of meaning and interpretation of events, influencing how individuals perceive and engage with societal challenges.

  • Storytelling as Advocacy: Storytelling can be a powerful tool for advocacy and activism. Personal stories, experiences, and narratives can humanize social issues, making them relatable and compelling for a broader audience.

  • Shaping Perceptions: Narratives, whether conveyed through storytelling, media, or cultural expressions, can shape public perceptions and attitudes. They contribute to the discourse surrounding social issues and influence how society understands and responds to these challenges.

  • Cultural Narratives: Cultural narratives, embedded in literature, art, and media, contribute to the broader narrative landscape that informs societal values and beliefs. These cultural narratives can both reflect and drive social change.

In summary, storytelling and narrative are integral components of the complex process of social change. They contribute to the framing of issues, the mobilization of support, and the shaping of cultural and societal norms, ultimately influencing the direction and nature of transformations within a given society.

Proposed interventions:

In the dynamic landscape of societal influence, narratives wield transformative power, shaping perceptions, and driving social change. The Narrative Change Program is dedicated to amplifying impactful narratives, fostering innovation in storytelling, and engaging communities to collaboratively create narratives that resonate. Through a strategic blend of support initiatives, impact assessments, and community engagement, this program seeks to harness the potential of narratives as catalysts for social transformation.

The following are indicative interventions for The Narrative Change Program.

  • Collaborative Initiatives:

    • Initiatives aimed at amplifying impactful narratives.

    • Initiatives that foster partnerships that enhance the reach and resonance of narratives for greater societal impact.

  • Impact Modalities for Narrative Change:

    • Support for development of impact modalities that may drive meaningful narrative change.

    • Support for innovative approaches that leverage technology and creativity to enhance narrative effectiveness.

  • Assements on Public Perceptions:

    • Support for initiatives conducting assessments on the impact of narrative change on public perceptions and attitudes.

    • Support for data-driven insights to refine and adapt narrative strategies for influence.

  • Community Engagement Initiatives:

    • Support for community engagement initiatives that incorporate local voices in both narrative development processes and impact assessments.

    • Ensure inclusive and authenticity in narratives by involving diverse voices from the community.

  • Capacity Building:

    • Support for capacity-building initiatives, allowing organizations to invest in staff training, technology, and other resources.

    • Support for strengthening the narrative-transforming capabilities of organizations through skill development and technological empowerment.

  • Storytelling Workshops and Forums:

    • Support for facilitating storytelling workshops and forums where organizations and communities can share experiences, best practices, and learn from one another.

    • Support for and co-creation of collaborative environments that encourages continuous learning and improvement in narrative approaches.


Organization of the Activities:

The Program is dedicated to exploring the profound impact of narratives through a multifaceted approach encompassing project support, rigorous research, and dynamic story sharing. Central to our mission is the recognition that we operate within uncharted territory, where narratives possess untapped potential to shape society.

The Project Awards component, vital in recognizing excellence and innovation, will be entrusted to an external body, and organized as a ceremony within the annual meeting of the program. Ideally a partner already deeply entrenched in the ethos of Narrative Impact, will have this Task management roles in the program. The scale and variety of awards will be tailored to the response from our sponsors, ensuring a dynamic and responsive framework.  

Additionally, the Program will extend fellowships to researchers and media professionals committed to dissecting and amplifying initiatives aligned with our curiosity and dedication to narrative impact across various fields of practice. A dedicated communication platform will serve as a hub for disseminating best practices, fostering debates, and incubating fresh ideas on the subject.

Recognizing the collaborative nature of narrative impact, the Program will dedicate resources to fostering cross-sectoral engagement and networking initiatives across various geographical scales, from local communities to the global arena. Separate funding will be earmarked for this purpose, with projects championing narratives as agents of social change potentially qualifying for additional support. Furthermore, projects emphasizing collaborative models as their core concept will be prioritized for supplementary funding, emphasizing our commitment to fostering innovative approaches to cross-sectoral collaboration.

To facilitate project initiatives, a specialized fund administration will oversee the process, from issuing calls for proposals to allocating resources and establishing robust monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and learning (MERL) mechanisms. Priority will be accorded to initiatives demonstrating the potential of narratives as powerful catalysts for social transformation. Given the anticipated diversity and innovation inherent in proposals, a flexible approach will be adopted, possibly necessitating targeted calls aligned with proposed interventions.

 Organized as a program:

Mimeta is organizing the support as a program where change and its effect (benefit or gain) is the ultimate delivery. The program’s mission is to ensure that the desired gains are realized.

Programs have a different set of principles, management theme, roles, and processes than projects. It is designed to achieve a purpose and a set of gains (effects). It is not the size of the assignment, resources or scope that is leading. It is the focus. The set-up contains, and relates to, different initiatives, projects and efforts that adhere to the objectives and strategies of the program. Even efforts that are running independently from the program may be included in the measures of delivery, if significant. Tasks may be organized in a distributed manner, involving different expertise and entities, and the program has different roles, whereas the main ones are:

  • Sponsors

  • Participants

  • Management

As initial participants, Mimeta gives precedence to organizations that are significant contributors to the arts or media, working earnestly to elevate the sector's prominence. The dedication transcends specific disciplines, instead, it is rooted in the overarching objective of promoting the comprehensive development of the sector. These participants, once again, bring forth extensive networks that they incorporate in the program, at least for sharing ideas, views and perspectives on risks, management, progress, processes, knowledge building and sectorial change. 

Program seen as a collective for capacity building:
The program´s concentrated efforts extend to supporting both structural aspects, by the support facility, and the refinement of activities that are performed, by capacity development support and schemes. This entails not only strengthening the operational foundations of involved parties but also addressing the intricacies of their missions —providing guidance on navigating policy processes, optimizing resource allocation, and ensuring the sustained impact of the program´s collective endeavors. Mimeta is dedicated to fostering a robust ecosystem within the collective of participants enabling the program to play a significant role in the sustainable growth and advancement of the sectors for participants and their networks.

Benifitting Funders:

  • Program Organization: Mimeta specializes in dynamic program organization, employing a change-oriented approach to action strategies. By embracing adaptability, we ensure that our programs evolve with the ever-shifting landscape of artistic rights, offering funders a robust framework for impactful and enduring initiatives.

  • Strategic Action Planning: Our change-oriented tilt strategy sets the stage for effective interventions. Mimeta meticulously designs strategies that not only respond to current needs but also anticipate and navigate future developments in the realm of artistic rights. This forward-looking approach empowers funders with a proactive stance in supporting global artistic endeavors.

  • Strategic Partnership Selection: Navigating the global landscape of artistic rights requires strategic partnerships. Mimeta excels in making informed and strategic choices in collaborative efforts, ensuring that funders align with entities that share a common vision and commitment to advancing artistic freedoms on a global scale.

  • Effective Governance Practices: Mimeta places a premium on good governance, encompassing both financial oversight and robust compliance and risk management. Our commitment to sound governance practices provides funders with confidence in the effective stewardship of resources and the mitigation of potential risks, fostering a secure and sustainable environment for artistic rights initiatives.

  • Comprehensive Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (MERL): We believe in transparency and accountability. Mimeta provides a comprehensive reporting framework that serves as the foundation for assessing results and cultivating knowledge. Through meticulous reporting, funders gain valuable insights into the impact of their support, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and informed decision-making in the pursuit of artistic rights globally.


Benefitting Participants:

  • Engagement in Program Development: Strategic partners that are collaborating with Mimeta actively participate in the co-creation and refinement of programs. This collaborative engagement ensures that initiatives are tailored to local contexts and specific fields of work, allowing partners to contribute their expertise and insights, fostering a sense of ownership and relevance.

  • Advancement of Sound Governance Practices: Mimeta places a strong emphasis on the continual improvement of governance practices. By partnering with us, organizations have the opportunity to further develop and refine their governance practices. This collaborative effort ensures that partners are establishing a foundation for effective and sustainable implementation within their regions.

  • Enhancement of Reporting Capabilities: Strategic partners benefit from the continuous development of robust reporting capabilities. Mimeta facilitates the development of reporting practices, ensuring that partners can effectively communicate the impact of their initiatives. This enhancement supports partners in articulating their achievements and challenges, strengthening their position in the broader landscape of social and artistic rights initiatives.

  • Participation in Structured Strategy and Policy Processes: Collaborating with Mimeta grants strategic partners the opportunity to actively participate in structured strategy and policy processes. This involvement ensures that partners have a voice in shaping the overarching direction of initiatives, contributing to the development of effective strategies and policies that align with their specific focus areas and regional contexts.

  • Involvement in Knowledge Development for Social Change: Mimeta fosters a collaborative environment for knowledge development aimed at driving social change. Strategic partners actively engage in knowledge-sharing processes, leveraging their expertise to contribute to a collective understanding of best practices and innovative approaches. This collaborative knowledge development empowers partners to be at the forefront of positive social change within their respective fields.

 By aligning with Mimeta, strategic partners not only amplify the impact of their initiatives but also benefit from a dynamic and collaborative ecosystem that prioritizes continuous improvement and collective learning.


The vision of Mimeta is to give GIVE PEOPLE THEIR RIGHT TO FREE CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS, created on free terms and presented by independent institutions.
The mission is to support and protect those who want to enhance a culture by aesthetic or intellectual means. By both vision and mission highlight the impact arts and creativity have on developing open societies, including the culture itself. The long-term impact is to provide free artistic practice to individuals. To achieve the intended impact, Mimeta focuses on outcomes that ensure protection for artists, storytellers, producers, and their works against abuse, censorship, legal or social persecution, and outcomes that increase accessibility for people to participate in artistic practice. These two outcomes constitute the universal artistic rights (ref. art 27).

On the strategic level Mimeta is achieving results by supporting organizations and individuals who work on behalf of the arts and media, to improve the sectors´ position on rights issues, in political and legal matters, on professionalism and skills, the distribution of the free expression and - in the end - the sustainability of the sector. 

Thus, Mimeta works with partners that address these issues on behalf of their sectors. At the same time, we see that changes cannot be achieved, unless the need for change is understood, embraced, and advocated for by a community wider than the practitioners themselves, turning the stories into a widely adopted narrative for change. Storytelling is in this context also a tool for change. In this way, we work both for the universal rights that belong to the practitioners, and we see they’re free expressions as a prerequisite for making change in societies