At the Salzburg Global Seminar session ‘On the Front Lines: Artists at Risk, Artists who Risk’, in March 2023, fifty artists, activists and representatives from supporting organizations hailing from forty countries created the Salzburg Statement on Supporting Artists on the Front Line.
This mapping encompasses 71 organizations, all actively involved in supporting Artists-at-Risk to varying degrees. Out of these, 20 organizations have participated by providing responses to our survey, specifically designed for this mapping initiative. Additionally, 25 supplementary interviews were conducted among the 71 organizations. The study, therefore, combines survey data, interviews, and desk studies. While acknowledging the challenges of generalizing from this diverse material, we remain hopeful that it contributes to a comprehensive overview of organizations dedicated to supporting Artists-at-Risk.
Utenriksdepartementet støtter Unesco sitt Aschberg-program. Dette har fokus på beskyttelse av kunstnerisk frihet. Rett før sommeren publiserte de Defending Creative Voices, en dyptpløyende gjennomgang av de internasjonale beskyttelsesmekanismene for kunstnere, med tittelunderteksten «Learning from the safety of journalists». Referansen til journalister er nærliggende. Begge grupper er spesielt fremhevet i menneskerettighetssystemet, og begge er avhengige av ytringsfrihet i arbeidet sitt.
Kulturledere i Arendal arbeider for at byen skal etablere seg som del av det internasjonale Friby-nettverket. I Arendal har alle kulturlederne gått sammen i Art27Arendal for å diskutere internasjonalisering av programarbeid og utvikling av et bedre internasjonalt nettverk. Arendal skal fortsatt være et fellesskap som ivaretar kunstneriske rettigheter. Dette gjelder både folks deltakelse i kunstproduksjon og kunstnernes ytringsfrihet. Slik vil de sikre at kultursektoren forblir en god pådriver og arena for demokratisering i lokalsamfunnet.
Opening remarks by Cato Litangen, Director of Mimeta, at World Freedom of Expression Forum (Wexfo), Workshop 23rd May
Carving out a space for free expression has always been a high-cost fight for artists under autocratic rule. Today, that space is contested even in some established western democracies. This session will present you with real life models and experiences from Africa, the Middle East and Norway of those working effortlessly to salvage a space for free expression for artists. How can we ensure more international engagement in protecting the rights of artists at risk?
It is our pleasure to invite you to the roundtable “Artists at risk: Learning from the experience of journalists”, which will be hosted by UNESCO on Thursday 4 May 2023 from 13h00 to 13h30, in the framework of IFACCA’s 9th World Summit on Arts & Culture — Space A1 (Level 4), Waterfront Congress Centre, Stockholm, Sweden. The event will feature the launch of UNESCO’s new publication “Defending Creative Voices: Artists in emergencies – Learning from the safety of journalists” and the announcement of over US$ 1 million investment in artistic freedom through the UNESCO-Aschberg programme.
The roundtable, dedicated to the safety of artists, will be opened and moderated by Mr. Ernesto Ottone R., UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture. It will include the participation of the following panellists:
Mr Shahidul Alam, Artist, photojournalist, educator and social activist
Ms Basma El Husseiny, Founder, Action for Hope
Ms Julie Trébault, Director, Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) - PEN America
C-Stunners of Cyrus Kabiru. Photo: Sylvia Gichia
Mimeta is organizing this panel in partnership with the International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN), as a side event to the World Expression Forum (WEXFO), taking place in Norway, Lillehammer 22-23 May - 9:30-12:30. WEXFO was launched last year with a mission to be a catalyst for freedom of expression defenders from around the world to unite them in a strong and active global community. Mimeta is a stakeholder in the WEXFO conference.
Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Ms. Alexandra Xanthak
The Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Ms. Alexandra Xanthaki, will continue to work on cultural rights in development for her next report to the General Assembly, examining more closely the global governance of development and its impact on cultural rights, and she asks for your input!
It is of urgency to invest in these structures as their foundations are crackling. The number of people that are involved concretely in the protective work globally is countable on few hands. The protective structures on ground are alarmingly scarce and not fully integrated in the international system of protection, according to head of Mimeta, Cato Litangen.
Authorities, philanthropy, cultural institutes, and key organizations and artists from vulnerable regions, took part in the first meeting of the Artist at Risk Funding Initiative. The aim is to strengthen the protection of artists at risk.
This Mimeta proposed initiative aims to mobilize resources for safeguarding artists at risk by facilitating a process for funder collaboration and exchange, leading to the establishment of a joint fund dedicated to supporting the artist protection field.
Mimeta would like to invite you as a funding partner to a meeting on Thursday 23rd March 11:30 – 16:00 (lunch included, venue tbc) to discuss this Artist at Risk funding Initiative, and confirm partnerships with those interested. The meeting will take place in cooperation with and around ICORN annual network meeting, 22-24 March in Brussels.
Incoherence in Open Space - an Encounter with Sarri Elfaitouri about “Tahafut” (AFAC)
In the October issue of their newsletter, Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, invite us to read interviews with three AFAC-supported artists that delve into the various specificities and challenges of the Arab region’s habitats, as they frame it. They ask: How do we preserve our lands? How do we ensure continuity and sustainability for our communities? And how do we reclaim public spaces and instill a sense of belonging in conflict-ridden areas? The questions are done on background of Climate change, conflicts and health crises that have exacerbated inequalities and vulnerabilities with respect to the basic right for adequate shelter and safe space.
As a peer organisation we would like to express support to AFAC for their storytelling, and we take the liberty to share. If you are not subscribing to their newsletter, please do!
27 to 30 October 2022 - Centro Cultural del Bosque INBAL - Colegio de San Ildefonso
This year, Landscapes of Hope , launched by Action For Hope العمل للأمل, is organizing its annual international rally of artists and writers for Social Justice live in Mexico City.
Sanad in the Digital Realm responds to the needs of Syrian people, both inside and outside Syria, who cannot necessarily gather in physical spaces to reach audiences safely. Digital space offers a viable alternative, particularly for projects using bold and innovative formats
Action for Hope was founded to provide cultural development and cultural relief programs that meet the social, cultural and psychological needs of distressed and displaced communities.
Our partner on cultural rights, Action for Hope, Announces the Opening of its New Branch in Amman, Jordan: Action for Hope started its work in Jordan in 2016 in partnership with CARE International and Crescendo Music and Art Academy; two highly regarded organizations that provided support to Action for Hope’s activities in the country. Over the past six years Action for Hope organized two cultural relief convoys in Amman in 2015 and 2016, provided advanced training in filmmaking to 49 young people, and provided music education to 61 young people who graduated from its music school in Amman.
This step reflects the organization’s commitment to continuing its work to provide marginalized communities in Jordan with cultural services and activities. The Amman branch will also complement the organization’s work out of its Beirut and Brussels offices to promote and protect cultural rights and support cultural actors working under difficult conditions, especially in the countries that are undergoing difficult social, political and economic turbulences such as Sudan and Iraq.
Our partner Action for Hope is inviting for their Fa’ael Forum. The 2022 edition aims to present a realistic image of the economic, political, and social challenges facing art and cultural practitioners in the Arab region, specifically those who are on the margins of the central and elitist art circles, and it will also attempt to probe into some of the strategies used to address these challenges.
This forum will bring together over 20 former participants in the Fa’ael programme from several Arab countries, who also proposed the discussion topics in the program. We also added to the program brief focus sessions to shed light on the reality of cultural work in Yemen, Libya and Sudan, since very little information is available to art and culture practitioners beyond these countries’ borders.
We hope that the Forum will provide an opportunity, both for participants and for the general public, to get acquainted with the work of art and culture activists and directors outside of elitist circles. This is the second edition of the Forum, following last years’ first edition which took place online and was streamed on social media platforms. (The invitation text of Action for Hope)
Thursday 1 September to Saturday 3 of September 2022
At Al Madina Theatre, Beirut - Lebanon