Ettijahat. Independent Culture and the Syrian Association for Culture and Knowledge, launch an open call for proposals within the framework of "Researches. To Strengthen Culture of Knowledge" project. This project is aimed at building the capacities of young researchers and granting them the opportunity to produce Researches linked to the Syrian Culture.

Application and all needed information are available on:

Project support by Mimeta

Project support by Mimeta

CategoriesCultural policy

The Independent Culture for Democracy Conference kicks off  on 15 December 2012 at Flamenco Hotel in Cairo, with the participation of more than 120 cultural leaders working in the independent cultural sector from Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Mauritania and Sudan. International cultural institutions from Europe and Turkey and representatives of international institutions based in Cairo will also participate in the conference. Topics that will be discussed during the conference include: the independence of culture, funding of the independent cultural sector, independent cultural work in the current political circumstances, the rise of strict religious currents and the development of old structures of cultural institutions.

Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy) organizes this conference in response to the critical changes that are happening in the Arab region, with the aim of reinforcing the role of the independent cultural sector during the democratic transition in the Arab region by seeking to reach a set of priorities for the work of the independent cultural sector during this phase and in accordance with the current situation of each Arab country.

In parallel, the second meeting of the Arab Cultural Policy Group will be held on Friday 14 December, with the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the work of the National Cultural Policy Groups in the different Arab countries, as part of the Cultural Policy program launched by Al Mawred Al Thaqafy to develop the cultural policies in the Arab region. The meeting discusses the future steps of the cultural policy program in general, and of each National Group. National Cultural Policy Group Coordinators from Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, and Palestine will take part in this meeting.

Independent Culture for Democracy conference continues until Monday 17 December, and will be concluded with a press conference to announce the results and recommendations of the conference.


The current call, jointly published by the Prince Claus Fund and Mimeta, welcomes project proposals, from organisations and individuals, for high quality, innovative cultural and creative initiatives with a positive impact on both the cultural sector and social development. Both the Prince Claus Fund and Mimeta have a special interest in projects that focus on freedom of expression and censorship.




The geographical call for projects only concerns the following countries:

Algeria, Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mauritania, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan and Swaziland.

The Programme Committee evaluates all applications according to the following criteria: Quality, Innovation, Engagement and Development Relevance, Costs, Freedom of Expression, Culture and Conflict.

This call has a special focus on projects with outcomes that enhance the right to fully exercise freedom of expression and that protect against censorship.

 The development, scripting, production and post-production of short and full-length documentary, animation, experimental and feature films, as well as research and writing of literary works, novels, short stories, poetry and biographies is not included in this grant.

Organisations directly linked to Government are not eligible for this grant.

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