The Nordic Culture Fund is a relatively new player in the financing of international projects. In the past, such investment has belonged to the member states' foreign policy, while the fund has supported projects between the Nordic members. In their newsletter from June, it is the ventures between the Nordics and the rest of the world that are given attention. This is interesting reading and an exciting development.


- Det er veldig trist at fire syriske  musikerne som skulle vært i Risør til helga ikke får visum til Norge etter å ha arbeidet sammen med musikere fra Risør og nabokommunene over lang tid, sier ordfører Per Kr. Lunden. Han har brukt kontakter i Utenriksdepartementet for å prøve å få til en ny vurdering av søknaden, men oppfatter det som nytteløst. Men ordføreren er glad for at det likevel blir en flott internasjonal kulturbegivenhet i Risørhuset til helgen.


An international programme of artistic exchange between the Maghreb and the Nordic countries, with potential involvement more widely across the Middle East and Northern Europe, dedicated to supporting contemporary arts practice, artistic mobility, freedom of expression and research collaboration is currently being prepared by a number of key interested institutions across Europe, the Nordic Countries and the Maghreb.

AuthorCato Litangen

Tandem / Shaml 2014-15 call for applications!

Tandem / Shaml announces its second round. Application deadline 15 January 2014. Tandem / Shaml is an exchange and knowledge development programme which allows cultural professionals from many different disciplines to acquire skills required for engaging in long-term cooperation across borders. The Tandem process provides hands-on possibilities for getting real insights to a newly emerging Arab cultural scene but also for gaining practical experiences in collaborating with a rapidly changing field across Europe.

The GoDown Art Center, Museum of Architecture, Culture Center in Stockholm and Mimeta share visions for cities where culture is in the core of development. This project has received support from the Swedish Postcode Lottery. Cities shape culture and culture shape cities, thus participation of inhabitants become essential in shaping vision or plans. Ultimately this is a democracy issue.
AuthorCato Litangen