International celebration of freedom of expression in art and culture in Oslo 28/2 - 03/3 2013.
Art has a power that many authorities fear. It is often much more on target in its description of reality than other forms of expression, reaching hearts more directly than the well-worn approaches of the news media. This is why many artistic forms of expression are controlled, censored and prohibited in today’s world. Classical examples are dictatorships that for a variety of reasons, including power politics, and religious or cultural concerns, monitor artists and censor their expressive endeavors. But more subtle methods are also used to suppress artists: in Western democracies controversial and penetrating observations and expressions are marginalized and unacknowledged because they “don’t sell”, or “don’t appeal to common interests”.
Mimeta is on the program council of this new festival and we are looking forward to lots of interesting events from the 28th February to 3rd March.
Red Zone wants to alternate festival arenas between Oslo and partners in other countries, i.e. arranging the festival every second year in Oslo and every second year abroad. This will have a number of advantages and positive side effects like focus on themes and artists in different countries and challenge authorities in arranging countries and regions.
Annual theme
Fundamentalism of any kind will be an overriding and continuing theme in the
future. The festival will reflect on contemporary global situations and issues,
but also relate the work to Norwegian historical traditions and relations, from
Ibsen to the present. This will be done by including cultural freedom and
expression in newer Norwegian environments and relate this to dialogue and
attempts at oppression, conflicts and terrorism, also in a Norwegian context.
For more info: