Are you an artist or creator? An NGO or non-profit private body? A public body whose activities contribute to the promotion of culture and artistic creation? If your project meets the criteria set out in the Operational Guidelines of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC), you can submit your projects to benefit from the support of the Fund.

Priority will be given to young artists/creators (18-30 years) and to projects benefitting youth.

Priority will also be given, as far as possible, to projects from or benefitting developing countries.

Please note that funding cannot be provided to projects that are already In receipt of funding provided by other UNESCO Funds or programs.To apply, please fill in the online application form in English or in French and send to Please ensure that the application form is filled in as completely and clearly as possible and that the budget breakdown is clearly stipulated.

The deadline for submissions is 2 May 2013 at midnight CET.

AuthorCato Litangen