As a whole, the portfolio’s partners’ total budgets have decreased from 9.6 million USD to 7.8 million USD, with budgets projected to decrease even further going forward.

Reallocation, capacity buildig and outreach
The portfolio reported an increase in organisations it supported financially, from 70 to 180, Ettijahat, in particular, representing this massive increase. There was also a considerable increase in the number of people supported financially, from 650 to 1170, Ettijahat again representing the most significant change. In terms of capacity building and supporting people with capacity building workshops and education, the portfolio reported a total of 1200 people supported, a notable increase from the 775 reported in the last survey.

The portfolio reported a total of 2975 people reached through seminars, conferences, summits etc organised by their organisation. Further, a total of 1950 people were reached through such events organised by their beneficiaries.
The portfolio reported a total of 135 times they were mentioned in the media in terms of positive publicity. There were 20 articles written by staff in the portfolio which was published in the media or other websites other than their own.

The portfolio reported a total of 130 775 audiences attracted to their arts events, and 30750 people attracted to events of their beneficiaries. The portfolio reported a total number of interactions on their own media (unique visitors to their websites) as 122 500, and 480 500 interactions on their social media, with a total following on social media of 1 063 000.

The portfolio reported a total number of 37 768 downloads or circulation of their printed media or pdf distribution, reports, programmes etc. with a total of 41 113 subscribers to this service. The portfolio reported a total viewership of their own productions/films totalling 1 214 629.
