Since our inception in 2008, Mimeta has been organized as a limited company with charitable statutes. 1st April 2016, the executive director of Mimeta, Cato Litangen, acquired all the company shares from Strømme Foundation and Vest-Agder Fylkeskommune (county council). As part of this change, Mimeta will move main office to Arendal, Norway, and there will be a new Board of Directors, headed by Mr. Pål C. Cristensen (lawyer). Mr. Anders Holm (civil engineer) and Marianne Woie (senior teacher) will take positions as members to the board. It will be extended by 4 members within short term.  

Mimeta will continue within existing mission and main strategy, and build further upon a well established international network. Our work for culture sector development, access to free arts and cultural participation - is based in universal human rights. 



AuthorCato Litangen

Very good news for Aadel Essaadani and Dounia Benslimane in Racines, Morocco.

Dounia Benslimane, Racines. Photo: C. Litangen

Dounia Benslimane, Racines. Photo: C. Litangen

Seven projects was approved for funding by the UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) this year. "Developing an efficient policy for the promotion of cultural industries in Morocco” was one of them, and Mimeta is in the line of congratulants!

AuthorCato Litangen

An international programme of artistic exchange between the Maghreb and the Nordic countries, with potential involvement more widely across the Middle East and Northern Europe, dedicated to supporting contemporary arts practice, artistic mobility, freedom of expression and research collaboration is currently being prepared by a number of key interested institutions across Europe, the Nordic Countries and the Maghreb.

AuthorCato Litangen

Ettijahat. Independent Culture, launches an open call for proposals within the framework of "Research. To Strengthen Culture of Knowledge" project. This project is aimed at building the capacities of young researchers and granting them the opportunity to produce Researches linked to the Syrian Culture.

 Application, FAQs, and all needed information are available on:

AuthorCato Litangen

On Tuesday 19 August, some of Zimbabwe’s best-loved artists come together at Book Café from 7pm in a rainbow presentation of great African music, in solidarity with Book Café founder Paul Brickhill who is struggling with ill health in a local hospital.

AuthorCato Litangen

May 1-15 the second edition of the international art festival Redzone will be hosted by Culture Resource in Cairo and Beirut, within the context of Spring Festival, in collaboration with the Cultural Cooperative for Youth in Theatre and Cinema (Shams) in Lebanon and KKV of Norway. The concept behind the Redzone festival is that true freedom of expression cannot exist without giving the arts access to a broad audience.

AuthorCato Litangen

Utenriksminister Børge Brende inviterte Mimeta, tre andre organisasjoner fra kultur- og utviklingssektoren samt et stort antall mennekerettighetsorgianisasjoner fra det norske sivilsamfunnet til å bidra med sine innspill til Utenriksdepartementets kommende melding til Stortinget om menneskerettigheter i norsk utenriks- og utviklingspolitikk. I oppstartsmøtet poengterte Brende at Grunnlovsjubileet var en god anledning for et slikt arbeid og at sist dette skjedde var i 1999. Her finner du innspillet fra Mimeta: 

AuthorCato Litangen