The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are crucial to Mimeta’s vision and approach to the idea of cultural development and artistic freedom. They are precisely emphasising how Mimeta can promote democratisation and the implementation of human rights. The SDGs also influence the structures of monitoring and evaluating within programmes of Mimeta.

Fundamentally, Mimeta strives to promote artistic freedom as part of freedom of expression and a human right. This is realised in all of Mimeta’s programmes, which in different ways seek to improve artistic freedom and access to cultural life. These efforts are intertwined with a focus on gender equality, not only in partner projects aimed at public participation but also with the partners we work with. Mimeta’s current partner organisations are mostly women-led and often consist of a female majority. Mimeta’s model of partnerships is based on the idea of capacity building in partnering with civil society. This model has several added benefits, one of which is the opportunity to build strong civil society organisations which ensures the sustainability of the intervention. While Mimeta aims to support the realisation of policies and measures which would support the development of dynamic cultural and creative sectors, its partners also represent such structures as civil society institutions, especially in areas where this is purposefully neglected by authorities.

Within the SDG framework, there are four major ways that Mimeta envisions amplifying its impact:

1) By improving our organisation and network, both focused on supporting artists’ rights and artistic freedom, we work with and strengthen civil society as well as the opportunities for cultural engagement that are provided through our partners.

2) Through our partners and concrete initiatives, Mimeta seeks to influence public opinion by supporting social movements for change strengthened by the voices of artists.

3) We seek to strengthen the fundraising aspects of the sector working with artistic freedom. This includes connecting funders for a coordinated and more substantial effort, resulting in ample and stable funding for specific projects.

4) By focusing on developing knowledge in joint research with local partners, Mimeta and its partners will be able to improve initiatives and resource allocation.


1) By improving our organisation and network, both focused on supporting artists’ rights and artistic freedom, we work with and strengthen civil society as well as the opportunities for cultural engagement that are provided through our partners.
Mimeta’s vision is closely linked to Article 27 which ensures participation in cultural life for all. As described above, Mimeta’s efforts towards progressing artistic freedom are multi-faceted. This translates to its connection with the relevant SDGs as well. Through its partners, Mimeta seeks to ensure participation in cultural life. Creating opportunities for people to engage and study culture can have long-term consequences for the democratisation and implementation of human rights. By supporting local opportunities to engage with culture, Mimeta is also supporting the development of the local cultural economy, building on the ideas of SDG 8, which focuses on economic growth. Mimeta’s focus on capacity building in local partners should also be seen in the light of SDG 4 and of developing local cultural educational and training structures. Mimeta’s programs are thus also connected with SDG 16, which focuses on peace, justice and strong institutions. Further, the explicit goal of capacity building, which permeates the Mimeta programmes’ structure and ambition is in line with SDG 17.

2) Through our partners and concrete initiatives, Mimeta seeks to influence public opinion by supporting social movements for change strengthened by the voices of artists.
Exploring narrative impact is the Mimeta programme which seeks to support voices for social change, as such it is connected to several SDGs and human rights. All outcomes of efforts are connected to strengthening the structures for artistic freedom. This is a human rights issue, but the arts and culture activities also often include the right to assembly, the right to association and the right to freedom of expression. The work related to narrative impact is in turn heavily connected with the alignment of SDG 5, seeking to ensure gender equality both in its partners and total outreach. Gender equality is a measurable goal that will permeate Mimeta’s interventions. A further important priority for Mimeta is supporting partners in advocacy efforts. In line with SDG 16, the ambition of Mimeta and partner advocacy efforts is to strengthen public institutions and systems related to artistic freedom, which in turn secures more rights for artists.

 3) We seek to strengthen the fundraising aspects of the sector working with artistic freedom. This includes connecting funders for a coordinated and more substantial effort, resulting in ample and stable funding for specific projects.
Mimeta has recently initiated efforts for funders in the ‘Artists at Risk’ sector to jointly engage with projects. Both the immediate results described above, and the long-term results will help develop this field of work. Mimeta’s experience in the sector and with both public and private funders shaped this initiative and is in line with SDG 17, ‘revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development’. To initiate these efforts, Mimeta launched a mapping report of the sector focused on ‘Artists at Risk’ in January 2024. By publishing such a report, Mimeta hopes to better inform on gaps, opportunities and potential partners in the sector. This initiative centres on this, connecting resources to the ultimate benefit of the sector for artistic freedom resulting in a more holistic support than currently exists. SDG 16 underscores this initiative’s efforts, the SDG which notes the need for ‘institutional framework and international cooperation for sustainable development’. 

4) By focusing on developing knowledge in joint research with local partners, Mimeta and its partners will be able to improve initiatives and resource allocation.
Investment in innovation, as well as in the development of capacity and knowledge will improve the impact and measurability of the intervention of Mimeta. An added benefit will be the development of the sector as a whole. In line with the SDGs, improving the programmes and projects through evaluation and knowledge building would ensure resources are used efficiently and effectively. Through monitoring and evaluation, making the programmes’ efforts measurable and creating learning opportunities for Mimeta and partners. SDG 17, ‘Partnerships for the goal’, specifically highlights the need for capacity building and strong multi-stakeholder partnerships, an underscored focus in Mimeta’s programmes. Mimeta believes improving the rights of artists or the environment for engaging with culture is dependent on strong local partnerships and ownership. This is equally built on SDG 16, ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’. By prioritising capacity building for local partners, the longevity and sustainability of the intervention are secured as local partners become strong institutions in their own right.

While these methods are tailored to uphold artistic freedom, Mimeta places a strong emphasis on measuring these efforts to learn and enhance its programs. Mimeta's dedication to continually generating evidence-based knowledge in collaboration with partners will not only fortify its programs and partnerships but also contribute to the advancement of the broader sector.