Mimeta is determined to make sure that its work is not dependent on the detriment of future generations' opportunities. As such, the environment and climate should be a concern which permeates Mimeta and its partners’ efforts and decision-making.

Beyond Mimeta’s policies on climate, this includes considering the environmental impact of the intervention’s activities as well as measures to minimise potential negative effects. Yet activities in the sector include a certain need for mobility as such considerations on climate-friendly options such as digital communications should always be an option.

Further, many of the initiatives of Mimeta’s partners have the opportunity to engage the public in questions of climate justice and environmental consciousness. The program for L'Art Rue’s latest edition of Dream City included an ecological focus and perspectives which were presented. This was both in individual performances and creations, but also in topics for presentations. This served both as a measure for platforming the issue and facilitating discussions in the community.