The organisation ArtMovesAfrica is building MOBILITY HUB AFRICA on the same lines as the YATF Mobility Hub for the Arab World. AMA acknowledges the work done by YATF in creating a template for this platform and hopes that similar Hubs will be built eventually on other continents, e.g. Mobility Hub Asia, for Latin America etc.
MOBILITY HUB AFRICA is a Virtual Mobility Platform offering information on the Arts and Culture in Africa about venues (spaces, residencies, training centers…etc), events (Festivals, Fairs, Biennales, Professional Meetings...etc), artists and their work.
MOBILITY HUB AFRICA provides information on platforms, references, key documents and data related to travel and mobility within Africa.
MOBILITY HUB AFRICA is developed and updated through information offered by AMA applicants and grantees. It is, however, open to everyone, willing to share information and to build cultural bridges within the continent, to register and access up to date information.
MOBILITY HUB AFRICA was launched officially during the Mobility round table organised by AMA as part of the 4th World Summit on Arts and Culture’s program in Johannesburg (September 2009). Sufficient information has been collated to enable the launch. Cultural practitioners are being encouraged subsequently to post information through different communication channels.